The saying goes that everyone has a "God shaped hole" inside of them and, until you "become a Christian" you will not be satisfied. But what about the times when Christ Followers feel empty? Is that even possible? I think it is. One friend suggested that that feeling of emptyness could be indicative of God trying to get my attention. She said that, when she feels that way, she trys to ask the question "what am I not doing that maybe God wants me to do?" Or you could ask the question, "What am I doing that God does not want me to do?" Wow. That was the polar opposite of what I had originally thought. Instead of God ignoring me and "forsaking me" and just not following through, perhaps He has been persuing me the whole time, trying to communicate with me, and I completely misread it. So many times we misread a situation. Someone is upset and we think it is our fault. The baby is crying and we assume it is hungry or teething or upset, but then we find that the tense music in the background had been putting the infant on edge. We think someone is ignoring us or trying to hurt us, when that is just not the case. So doesn't it follow that we misread what God is trying to tell us sometimes? I felt like something was missing. I knew it wasn't faith (for some, faith could be the missing factor, but if you are a Christ Follower, don't second guess that unless you have very good reason). I know that God took hold of me two and one half years ago. He has transformed me in many ways. So I assumed that God was failing me somehow. He was holding out on the love He was "supposed" to show me. My assumptions led to my putting up walls and keeping God out. Instead of seeing it as God reaching out to me I saw it as Him pushing me away.
God tells us in Isaiah 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." God also tells us through Paul in Romans 8:38-39 that NOTHING can separate us from His love. Therefore, if your feeling empty, look up instead of down. Maybe, just maybe, God is really persuing you.
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